We are travelling to Virginia Beach and then Orlando, Florida to visit Disney Land and other attractions around.
This page is only updated every 10 minutes, so there is no need to continually hit "refresh". You can view our trip directly on Google Maps, Google Earth, on My Photo Gallery, or via your favorite news reader with a Atom or RSS feed.
As a bit of a legend, here are some explanations of the map on Google Earth/Maps:
Yellow dots & lines - these are places we have been at roughly 15 minute intervals, however our location is only updated once an hour between 8 pm and 4 am pacific time to save on space.
Blue Twitter Icons - These are updates that you might've read following me on Twitter or Facebook. But now you can see the exact location that I made the update at!
Little notepads with a pencil - These are text-only updates that we put on the map to let you know something.
Squished camera icon - This is a photo we took! These are real camera photos. With all photos there is a title, and some even have some descriptive text, in Google Maps that means you'll have to scroll to see the photo, in Google Earth you don't. Also, if you click on any thumbnail photos on the map, it will open up the original in a new window so you can see more detail, spiffy eh?
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Open Map in Google Earth for a better experience! If you don't have Google Earth, Get It Here!
You can also browse through photos in my Gallery.